
3 tips to get your finances in order this fall

(NC) Whether you’re running a small business or a household, high inflation and rising interest rates are causing many of us to feel concerned about our finances. While we can’t control inflation or interest rates, there are some steps we can take to help balance our books. Here are three. Monitor your money Whether you’re tracking your personal finances or those of your business, it’s essential to create a budget to monitor your income and outgoing costs.

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Protecting your financial information

(NC) No one wants to wake up and find out that money has disappeared from their bank account, or that their credit card has been used for purchases they did not make. But, this is a reality that many Canadians have experienced. An ill-intentioned person can steal your identity and access your personal finances. There are a variety of ways they might do this, whether by accessing your information online, by phone, by mail or other means.

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Is financial stress affecting your physical and mental health?

(NC) For many of us, financial worries are the greatest source of stress – greater than health, work or family obligations. In fact, according to a recent study, 40 per cent of Canadians say they are overwhelmed by debt, while 48 per cent say they’ve lost sleep due to financial worries. And financial stress can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health. The sources of this stress are many, and may include high debt levels, living paycheque to paycheque, managing household expenses and struggling to save money for short- and long-term goals.

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Save on energy use with these easy tips

(NC) With the air conditioner running on full blast, summertime energy bills can quickly add up. Fortunately, there are many ways to save on those kilowatts – from simple life hacks to energy-efficient renovations and upgrades for your home. Here are a few you could benefit from: Install a skylight. A skylight is a surprisingly affordable and beneficial addition to any room in your home. In the summer, you can open your Velux programmable venting skylight to allow hot air, odours and toxins to escape, reducing your need for air conditioning.

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